Sunday, August 3, 2014

Currently - August

I'm linking up with the wonderful Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for Currently for the month of August. I'm a few days late on this one, but better late than never!

Now that August is here and my mind is starting to get back in school mode, I'm setting a goal to really start blogging. Hopefully I'll be able to follow through with it this year!

What are you up to this month?


  1. Looks like you're enjoying your last few days of freedom it up!!!

    #Hashag Fifth

  2. Hi Raegan! School is coming way too quickly! I'm also in crunch mode trying to get everything organized and ready. Where did the summer go? I feel like it just flew by this year. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation and that this school year is great for you. Best wishes! :) P.S. I'm your newest follower!

    Kinder Tykes
